Ugh! G and I have been doing late nights cleaning out the house on Mitchell St. Nothin to make you hate a place you formerly loved like cleaning every square, grimey inch of it. Sadly our property manager is a total cow, so when she walks through this arvo on the final inspection, criticising everything, we're gonna have to kill her.
We leave Darwin in ten days! Back in Melbourne in, like, twenty or so. Currently camping at the cramped domicile on the busy arterial that Jess and Henry have rented off an army doctor mate of theirs. Big change from our leafy mansion in town. But I've got the travel bug and not a care in the world. Woohoo!
Sasquatch is camping at Emma and Will's. When we get back to Melbourne we're gonna buy her a ticket on the pet jet and put her up in Sarah Garnick's homespun hostel for strays.
Bec: if there's one thing better than Burroughs' mellifluous prose it's his gravelly voice.
Gus: that's quite a conk you've got on yer! I'm a measly 52. I think Deutsche bag is a winner. The world's just not ready for it.
Love: T