Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Z score

Am really enjoying the study at the moment. Managed to hand in a paper on time at the beginning of the week and am fairly confident about tomorrow's statistics test. It's a totally different field of enquiry for me, stats, but quite enjoyable in a similar way to cryptic crosswords. You solve problems with rules, and the more rules you know the more clues you can squeeze out of a paltry amount of information.

There's a thing called a z-score. You can use it to compare your performance in completely different fields, e.g. distance walked per day and number of Bic lighters bought per year. This is also the same principle that underlies standardised testing.

Gott in Himmel! I understand test standardisation. I am going over to the dark side. I am becoming like my father.

Location:Barossa St,Larrakeyah,Australia

Monday, April 19, 2010

Exhibition at Gertrude

The sheets of paper have spirals, snow flakes and fractal patterns (each pattern consisting of a single line) printed onto them in gold and carbon. The mixing board is feeding an amplified signal through the gold/carbon via split XLR cables with jacks at each end of each line. The signal is played through stereo PA speakers. A soothing, monotonous "hmmmmmm".
