Sunday, July 4, 2010

Laugh, Ukraine!

Ukrainian uses the Cyrillic alphabet — i.e. The same funny letters as in Russian. In fact, Ukrainian is quite a similar language to Russian but it's just different enough that Gina can't read the newspapers or most of the street signs in this, her home town. The pilot of our Air Ukraine flight struggled with speaking in Ukrainian during his spiels over the PA, but gave up shortly after takeoff, reverting to Russian.

Have been learning the letters from Gina, plus some helpful words. I practise by Reading signs and menus. It's hilarious to come across "Long Island Ice Tea" or "Club Sandwich" in Cyrillic characters. Here's a bus shelter advertisement I saw the other day.

That's right: it's Joe Cocker!

Ukrainians don't like to smile a lot. This guy — who is some kind of Steve Fielding-type politician — is a choice specimen.

The metros are full of these ads which appears to be some kind of government program. They all feature funky young folks holding up handwritten gags. The slogan says "Laugh, Ukraine!".

Even the souvenir industry are doing their bit to change Ukrainians' dour image.

The fridge magnet is dressed in trad costume and holding a piece of pig fat — one of this country's favourite dishes.

Location:Kiev, Ukraine

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